

A callback is a function that is called when a certain event occurs. In the context of this library, a callback is a function that is called on new Updates.

The callback function must be defined through the TelegramSDK\Bot::set_callback() method. The callback function must accept one parameter, which is an Array. The Array contains the Update data.

Set a callback function

The following example shows how to set a callback function:

$bot->set_callback('message_text', "my_callback");

function my_callback($update) {
    // Do something with the update

Unset a callback function

Sometimes you want to unset a callback function. This shall be done by passing the criteria to the TelegramSDK\Bot::unset_callback() method.

Criterias / Filters

Criterias (sometimes mentioned as filters) are used to filter out unwanted Updates. For example, if you only want to receive text messages, you can use the message_text filter. This will only call the callback function when a text message is received.

The following criterias are currently supported:

  • default
  • message
  • message_text
  • message_photo
  • message_video
  • message_audio
  • message_voice
  • message_document
  • message_sticker

The default callback is used when no other suitable callback is specified.

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